Morgan Smith
Morgan grew up in the mountains of Virginia where he grew up in church with his family. After completing high school, he went on to Virginia Tech where graduated from the College of Business with a degree in commercial real estate. As an active member of his Baptist Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech, he spent time on the leadership team where he felt God calling him into vocational ministry. During his time in college, he also met his wife Maryanna, a native of Marshall County, KY. After completing his Bachelor's Degree, he and Maryanna moved to the Louisville area for him to pursue his Master's Degree at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. During his theological training, Morgan served in various positions at churches, generally in youth ministry. Through God's providence, Morgan was called to be the pastor of Mexico Baptist Church in August of 2024.
Morgan's hobbies include spending time with his wife (Maryanna) and sons (Micah & Liam), hunting, fishing, and golf. Morgan is also an avid fan of Virginia Tech & University of Kentucky sports and Atlanta Braves baseball.
Morgan's hobbies include spending time with his wife (Maryanna) and sons (Micah & Liam), hunting, fishing, and golf. Morgan is also an avid fan of Virginia Tech & University of Kentucky sports and Atlanta Braves baseball.

Pastor to Youth
Open Position
Mexico Baptist Church is seeking a full-time Pastor to Youth. The position exists to help drive the mission of the church forward as we strive to see our community, state, and world grow closer to Christ. This includes leading our youth and families in discipleship and spiritual growth. This pastor will foster an environment for teenagers to grow spiritually and serve actively in the church. This man will also be present in the surrounding community as he and the Senior Pastor lead the church toward healthy, sustainable discipleship in the church.
Interested in joining the team at Mexico Baptist? Apply using the link below.
Interested in joining the team at Mexico Baptist? Apply using the link below.

Abby Guess
Church Secretary
Abby grew up in Princeton, KY and attended church her entire life with her family at a small country church. After graduating High School she went on to attend Murray State University where she earned a bachelor's degree in Accounting. Immediately following graduation, she began work at a local bank and worked there for 9 years. She joined Mexico Baptist Church, the home Church of her husband Tyler, in 2011 and has served in various children's classrooms as well as taking on the Secretary roll in 2016.
Abby's extra time is consumed with her family. She and Tyler have 2 children, Brighton and Major.
Abby's extra time is consumed with her family. She and Tyler have 2 children, Brighton and Major.

Wanda Mott
Church Treasurer
Wanda grew up on a cotton farm in West Tennessee. After high school she attended Bethel College in McKenzie, TN, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree and a teacher’s certificate. It was while she was at Bethel that she met Ronnie. They were married in 1972 and resided in the Mexico community until 1998 when they moved to Kuttawa Ky. Wanda joined Mexico Baptist Church, the home church of her husband, in 1972. During the following years, she taught 4 and 5-year-olds in Sunday School for 40 years, served in various offices in WMU, and has been treasurer for 19 years.
Wanda’s extra time is spent with her family. She and Ronnie have 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren. She also enjoys gardening and reading.
Wanda’s extra time is spent with her family. She and Ronnie have 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren. She also enjoys gardening and reading.